Code of conduct – Policy
Code of Conduct SIBS AB (publ)
1 Scope and background
This code of conduct applies to the board, management, and all employees of SIBS AB, including its subsidiary and group companies. Our suppliers are subject to our supplier code of conduct.
The code of conduct clarifies our fundamental values and is based on the United Nations Global Compact’s 10 principles concerning human rights, labor conditions, the environment, and anti- corruption.
Principles of the UN Global Compact
Human rights
Principle 1: Support and respect international human rights within the scope of corporate
Principle 2: Ensure that their own companies are not involved in human rights violations
Labor Conditions
Principle 3: Uphold the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Principle 4: Eliminate all forms of forced labor
Principle 5: Abolish child labor
Principle 6: Eliminate discrimination in recruitment and employment
Principle 7: Support the precautionary principle concerning environmental risks
Principle 8: Take initiatives to promote greater environmental awareness
Principle 9: Encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies
Principle 10: Counteract all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
2 Labor conditions and human rights
We promote freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the right to unionize by actively encouraging our employees at our factory about their rights.
We do not accept any forms of discrimination. This means that everyone should have equal opportunities regardless of gender, origin, age, disability, religion, or political beliefs.
A physically safe and mentally healthy workplace is our top priority. This is achieved through our structured work on occupational health and safety, which has the highest priority.
We do not accept any form of physical or psychological coercion, punishment, or threats of such. Anyone working for us must be at least 15 years old.
Code of Conduct SIBS AB (publ) 2023
3 Environment
We always follow the precautionary principle by analyzing decisions that may have a significant environmental impact. We actively work to reduce our environmental impact, including working with environmental certifications and reducing climate impact throughout the supply chain, from raw materials to property management.
In SIBS’ environmental efforts, we address our impact on climate, water, oceans, forests, biodiversity, land, and air by focusing on our energy and resource usage, adapting to a changing climate, and managing materials, chemicals, and waste.
4 Business ethics
We do not accept any forms of corruption. We completely refrain from giving or receiving any gifts that could place us or the other party in a position of dependency. We avoid conflicts of interest by not conducting business with relatives or where we have personal interests. Any use of our subcontractors or supplier contacts for personal use must be approved by the CEO.
5 Information Management
We take measures to ensure that confidential information is only accessed by those who have the right to it. If we accidentally gain access to confidential information, we refrain from using it and report the mistake.
We protect all personal data and only store personal information that can be linked to a physical person when necessary, in accordance with GDPR.
6 Compliance
The code of conduct is continuously enforced as a natural part of our operations. The management in each company within the group is responsible for setting a good example and supporting employees.
If an employee does not adhere to this code of conduct, corrective actions will be taken.
If a supplier repeatedly does not adhere to our supplier code of conduct or seriously violates it, the business relationship will be terminated.
SIBS encourages anyone covered by this code to report any misconduct to their immediate supervisor. This can be done completely anonymously through a whistleblower function. Independent legal experts analyze all reported cases and do not disclose information to SIBS that could compromise the anonymity of the reporter. The whistleblower function can be accessed on our website.
7 Updating and Board Approval
The code of conduct shall be reviewed at least once a year or more frequently as needed. This code was adopted by the board of SIBS AB on June 28, 2023.
This code of conduct is also available on